Taxes are essential part of personal and business life that needs to be fulfilled to avoid any civil or criminal liabilities.
Accelero Corporation by offering following taxation services adopts a prevention strategy by ensuring that our clients fulfill all the IRS compliance requirements. We also assist you if any interrogations imposed on you by Uncle Sam.
1. Tax Planning Services:-
Our experts constantly monitor the changing tax regulations, legislations and court ruling and analyze it with our individual clients filing status and financial data before devising a tax plans.
These plans are reviewed frequently as clientele info and US taxation regulations change. Our goal is to devise a plan that works within IRS provisions which minimizes the tax liability for our client.
2. Income Tax Preparation Services:-
We prepare and do online filing of federal tax and state tax return for individuals, partnership firms, C Corporation, S corporations and even compliances for Not for Profit organizations. We work on professional tax preparation software which helps instantaneous filing of tax returns within seconds. We work on fixed pricing with no hidden costs.
3. Cross border taxation and Transfer Pricing:-
Many US companies have cross border financing and investments. This leads to various tax complications issues like optimal expatriation and cross border rates. Our experts consider number of factors in devising and implementing transfer prices, document the policies and represent the clients before foreign tax authorities.
4. IRS & Sales tax audits:-
IRS are trained to strip check your tax return to ensure its accuracy and issue audit reports.
Audits are not only time consuming but also a huge pressure to gather mounds of records to validate each line item in the return. We handle paperwork and bureaucracy for you and you rarely have to communicate with IRS directly.
5. Stock Option and ESOPs Tax planning:-
ESOP being a retirement plan provides incentives to employees to share in the profits of the business that are tax deferred and employer gets increased cash flow & productivity and tax savings. Due to tax benefits, the administration of ESOP is regulated and requires an independent third party valuation of ESOP stocks by Department of Labor and IRS.
Stocks Options are two category namely non qualified and incentive stock options. Both these options have different incidence of time when they are subject to capital gains tax. Moreover, IRS has formulated specific rules on granting and valuation of stock options. We have experts who would help you to design, administer and value the ESOPs and stock options for you and guide you through the IRS regulations.